Cape Town Week 2, Part 1.
I had the whole week done but man, 28 minutes is too much for any poor, poor soul. So I did a choppity-chop and I’m splitting it into two. Part 2 will be up next week! I’m currently packing for Vienna, hence the late Saturday eve blog post. I hope you enjoy this vlog, it’s more of the V&A! If you’re into the food, drinks and the general waterfront vibe, you’ll be entertained. (I hope!)
Oh, boy…should I be in bed soon. Malaga flights to Vienna are only twice a week, Sunday and Wed, so we’re doing just that – heading tomorrow on the 10am flight (which means 6am bus….pray for MEEEEE!!11!!!1!) and flying back on Wed. The perfect amount of time I think. This trip is truly, truly needed. We either visit family in Ireland or Madrid these days, or hang around Spain, so this is what the doctor ordered. A new adventure, new perspective. Fresh inspiration. I’ll be vlogging it, coffee culture, museums, the whole enchilada.
Happy weekend, catch up soon!
Emma x